A will for prolific disclosures
(a zine)
Carlos Quijon, Jr., Curator
Zine design
A zine accompanying an exhibition.
A will for prolific disclosures reappraises the value of artistic practice by way of four artists whose processes are iterative, fluid, and transformational.
The A3 zine comes in four variants, each containing an artist statement, exhibition notes, bios, and a poster.
Zine fold-out
Four artists = four zine variants = four posters.
A speculative exchange that the exhibition title stakes is one with former CCP curator Roberto Chabet’s consideration of a possible Philippine avant-garde by way of the Thirteen Artists grant. In its inaugural text, Chabet describes the tendencies of the practice of his nominated avant-garde in terms of “a will for singular disclosures.” This singularity is here interrogated and is made to yield to the sheer prolific potential of craft and object-making and the reprographic. The present exhibition attempts to diffuse this exceptionality and make way for disclosures that are iterative and disperse.